All about Jesus
At Church on the Weald, we know that our purpose in life is to follow Jesus - to love Him, and to love others as He first loved us.
We believe that the only way to know forgiveness of sins and to have security in our salvation is to accept that Jesus died in our place, taking our sin and shame upon Himself. But He didn't stay in the grave - He overcame death!
As Christ followers we believe we will one day be with Him forever. Until that day comes, our desire is to spend time with Him - reading His Word (the Bible), talking with Him (prayer) and being filled with the Holy Spirit to love and serve people in the way that He showed us to. We may hear the phrase 'follower of Jesus', but what does it mean to be a disciple? Put simply, it means we re-organise our lives around three goals:
Be with Jesus, become more like Jesus, do the things Jesus did.
This is why church to us is not just about meeting together on a Sunday - it's a way of living in community together based on Jesus' teachings. We need to be transformed from the inside out - we need the help of a Saviour.
If you want to know more about Him, please do chat with us, visit us or come along to Christianity Unwrapped where we take a good hard look together at what all of this really means.