Our young people
As our young people progress into adult life, our desire is to see them fully equipped in how to live by following Jesus; to fully grasp the power of the gospel and to understand that everything good comes from God. We all know it's a particularly tough time to be a teenager, so as a church we are committed to supporting our young people in prayer and taking time to stay connected with them, listen to them and create an environment where they feel comfortable relating to others in our church family.
Meeting together
At Church on the Weald we are trying to maintain a balance of getting to know God together and getting to know each other better. We have a programme for our teenagers which combines hanging out socially - watching movies, eating, playing games, going out together for the afternoon... and more eating!
We also regularly focus on studying God's word (the Bible) together. Over the past few months we have gone through courses, such as 'Christianity Unwrapped' - which helped us look at and answers a series of difficult questions to do with faith - to a series on what it is to pray. We love to see our youth serve the church, and they can all regularly be found helping practically when we gather - setting up, running the PA, playing in the music team, serving refreshments etc. This has been instrumental in helping our young people get to know people of all ages within the church, and has given them a greater understanding of what it means to be a part of a church 'body'.
On Sundays, our youth sometimes stay in for the whole meeting, and sometimes leave half way through to have time together studying and talking through life.
All our children's workers are DBS checked, and you can access a copy of Church on the Weald’s safeguarding policy here.